smith one month old

I literally cannot believe Mr. Smith is a month old!  This month has flown by believe it or not – even though I am still struggling through the days without a lot of sleep, things definitely have gotten better.  I was awake every two hours in the first two weeks, but now sometimes I am getting a four or five hour stretch because Smith is eating formula, in addition to breast milk, which is helping him stay fuller longer at night.  I originally thought I would only do breastfeeding for the first few months, but it’s ended up that formula and bottles are really helpful in terms of getting some of the pressure off of me, and allowing my husband and mom to help with the feedings and for me to get more rest.  Despite a lot of judgment on only doing breastfeeding for newborns, it was not the best choice for me.  A healthy mom is the most important thing to having a healthy, happy baby.

Smith has gained two pounds since he was born and is now weighing in at almost ten pounds and he has he is now 22 inches long!  He is also getting so good at tummy time and holding up his head.  He had his first big boy bath last week and didn’t love it in the beginning, but soon got comfortable and seemed to like the warm water, which was so cute.  He is the sweetest little thing and I die over the way he smells.  This mom is obsessed!

I am trying to savor every moment with him because I know I will never get this time back while he is so tiny!  No matter how hard being a mom is, it is always good to take a step back and realize how lucky we are to get such a special gift, especially a healthy baby like I have.  I cherish the fact that I was chosen to be his mom and look forward to all of his little milestones to come.  So no matter how overwhelming you may feel in the beginning moms, it does get better and you will feel better!  Get some rest, is my biggest piece of advice.  It changes everything.

A few must-haves in the first month:  MamaRoo – Smith loves motion, so when we are not in the car, this is second best! // Baby Bjorn Carrier – I got a lot of carriers, but so far I love this one best because it is so easy // Como Tomo Bottles – has a slow flow nipple similar to breast feeding // Little Giraffe Blanket – these are literally the best and softest things to cozy up the baby in // 4Moms Bath Tub – this is amazing because it tells you the temp for the water that is best for baby // Little Giraffe Towel – best way to snuggle baby after bath // California Baby Bath Wash – smells great and is good for sensitive skin // Nuna Pipa Car Seat and Mixx Stroller – so easy to get in and out of the car // Halo Bassinest – could not live without this and having him in my room // DockATot Deluxe – so great to have him in bed with us or my mom’s bed // Summer Infant Swaddles – so easy to swaddle him, which is the only way he sleeps

Shop Smith’s cozy footie pajamas: Kickee Pants Kayak Print Pajamas


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