How are you guys doing?! I think everyone is getting restless at this point, I know I am, and looking for more things to do. The first week I knew we were going to be quarantined at home for a while, I ordered a bunch of things to keep Smith busy and thank goodness I did. I originally linked to a lot of these on Instagram, but I wanted to give an updated blog post with everything we bought and love that is still keeping us entertained. We could spend all day doing water balloons, puzzles, and playing Guess Who! What are your go-to’s? Would love for you to share because I need more ideas too!
Let me know if you guys are looking for anything else and I’m happy to give you links! I hope you guys are staying sane and healthy. Hopefully this #saferathome order will lift soon, but until then, happy shopping and playing at home. And the great thing is most of these items will be great for years to come.