Hey guys! I hope your week is going well! My week has actually been really great. A little less stressful than usual and my babe turned 8 months old! I cannot believe how the time flies! I’ll be posting new photos of him soon along with some updated baby must-haves! In the meantime, I hope you guys are following along everyday on Instagram Stories for videos of Smith and I!
Now for today’s post… Surprisingly, I get asked a lot by people what they should wear to a job interview and let me just start out by saying that no job is created equal, so it really depends on where you are interviewing. I remember right before I moved to LA when I was graduating college, my mom went out and bought me a nice pant and skirt suit from Ann Taylor and I never ended up wearing it. E! was very casual, people wore jeans and even sweatpants (which I highly advise against) everyday, so it wasn’t appropriate even for an interview to wear a suit. I think I ended up in a cute printed blouse and black pants with simple closed toe heels. With that said, no matter how casual the work place is, please don’t show up in jeans and if you are wearing a dress, for the love of mankind make sure it passes the fingertip test and is not too revealing on the top i.e. no cleavage! I love a print or pretty color, as long as nothing is too loud or offensive. I hope you guys like this new video. Please SUBSCRIBE to my Youtube channel (red button on the right side of the screen) so I can keep making more fun videos! Thank you guys for stopping by and make sure to shop all of the looks featured in the video below:
Look 1: Zara Gingham Ruffle Top // Zara Circle Skirt (similar HERE) // M4D3 Mara Heeled Sandals
Look 2: Donna Morgan NYC Dress // BCBG Suede Heels
Look 3: French Connection Printed Crop Top (similar HERE) // Club Monaco Silk Trousers (similar HERE) // Sole Society Pia Heels