My super in-shape sister-in-law, Katie McFarland, is taking over my blog today and I am taking over hers!  I need all of the motivation I can get when it comes to fitness and she is a great role model and inspiration for me – she never makes any excuses and staying healthy and fit is a huge part of her life.  Katie has a great fitness and mommy blog based out of St. Louis called Mom’s Little Running Buddy – can it get any cuter!  Without further ado, here are her quick and easy tips to get you and me bikini ready this spring!


(Bridge with leg raises)

The birds are starting to chirp and there is a hint of Spring in the air.  Let that be your first warning that swimsuit season is right around the corner.  It’s time to shed the layers and show some skin.  That’s all fine and dandy if you’ve kept up the workouts during the winter but if you haven’t it’s time to jumpstart your metabolism, burn some calories and tone up a little.  That’s why I’m introducing you to my “Sweat Now, Sun Later” workout.  5 Moves to get you ready for the summer.  Keep reading for the tips!


(Plank walk-out)


(Scissor kicks)

These 5 moves below will get your heart rate up and your muscles burning.

Perform each move for a total of 1 minute each.  Repeat the circuit 3 times for a heart pounding 15 minutes.  You got this!

  1. Pulsing Lunges (30 Seconds on each side) – Step out and down into a lunge position, using the back of your leg to guide yourself down, do small movements up and down.
  2. Plank with alternating Leg Raises – In the plank position, make sure your core is engaged and lift your left leg off the floor and hold.  Repeat on right side.
  3. Bridge with alternating leg raises – This move is great for runners.  (See top photo)
  4. Plank Walkout – From the plan position, drop to one elbow, then the next.  Then push yourself one arm at a time back into the plank position.  (See second photo)
  5. Scissor kicks – Laying on your back, push your back to the ground.  Brace your arms under your back for additional support and lower legs from the floor.  Alternating kicks.  Small movements. (See last photo)

If you want to kick it up a notch,  add 30 minutes of cardio to this workout to get a killer calorie burning boost.

Like this workout?  Check out my blog and other workouts.

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