neulash review

Who knew that having amazing brows and long full lashes could completely change the way you feel about your face with no makeup on! I have pretty much always been the kind of girl who never leaves the house without some sort of makeup, so of course when I heard that Neulash really worked on growing your lashes and that microblading was a thing, I had to try both!

does neulash work

I’ll start with my lashes, which have never been particularly long or thick, but I have always wanted them to be. I never leave the house without a couple of coats of mascara and I have spent a lot of time and money in the past on Lash Extensions, but it takes forever to get them done, is very expensive and doesn’t last more than a month. My blogger girlfriend Merritt Beck has been raving about Neulash on social media for over a year, so I knew she had to really love it to talk about it so frequently, so I finally ordered it and the results are dramatic. I was skeptical I have to say, and didn’t really know if it would be worth the money because it isn’t cheap, but it is worth every penny. I started seeing major results in just a week or two and now my lashes are amazing. I don’t even use it every night (#mombrain), but it has still worked wonders! I would highly recommend Neulash, especially because Christmas is right around the corner and you can ask for it as a gift!

before brows

Next up were my brows! I needed major brow help in my opinion. I have pretty light and thin brows thanks to my blonde hair and from over plucking in high school like so many of us did, so i have been filling in my brows for the last couple of years. I probably went through brow pencils faster than mascara! So when I heard about Microblading, I got so excited. I didn’t make a move right away because I was a little timid of someone “tattooing” makeup on me, but then my girlfriend Sarah Boyd referred me to Sarah A who owns Rock’N Brows (mention my name for $100 off microblading). Sarah A has been shaping and coloring eye brows for 14 years in Beverly Hills, so it was only natural that she got a license to do microblading a few years ago since she is a brow guru. And let me just say, from what I hear, not all microbladers are created equal. In fact some of them have never waxed or shaped brows before or even have their cosmetologist or estheticians license! Crazy, right?! I thought so. Sarah, on the other hand is highly experienced and is a perfectionist when it comes to brows. I booked with Sarah and have never been happier. I know there are a lot of questions about how it’s all done and if it hurts, so I am going to break it down for you!

what is mircroblading

First of all, do not take any tylenol or things that will thin your blood before going. If you go to someone great like Sarah, they will numb you for a half hour before you get bladed so there will be minimal pain. Next up, you will have a consultation when you arrive about the color, shape and thickness you want, etc and Sarah will basically sketch in the brows she is going to give you with a pencil to make sure you like it first. Then she’ll clean it off, numb you for a half hour and then start. Sarah says it usually takes two sessions, sometimes three to get your brows perfect. I was really scared about how bad it was going to hurt (I am such a baby when it comes to pain lol), but I promise it wasn’t that bad. Sarah said someone has even fall asleep while getting it done, but that wasn’t me lol. I thought on a scale of 1-10, the pain was maybe a 4. It was such small little strokes and in such a small area, that it really wasn’t bad. Also, since the skin in numbed, the first “pass” is basically pain free. Once she starts going over areas you start feeling it more, but I thought as soon as it was hurting she was basically finished. From entering the Rossano Ferretti Salon, where she works out of, to leaving, it was an hour and a half procedure.

brows after

The after care was pretty simple too. She doesn’t recommend sweating or showering or getting your brows wet for at least 3-5 days, but other than that, I had no pain and no down time. No redness even! I just kept Vitamin A&D solvent on my brows for 5 days and a little oil, and that was it. The brows do fade after a week or so, but Sarah did them a bit darker with that in mind. A month after my first visit I went back for the touch-up visit and voila, my brows are perfect! It makes my morning routine so much faster and easier and really gives me the confidence to walk out of the door sans makeup whenever I can. I highly recommend it. One thing to note, Sarah says that usually people need another touch-up after a year – this is not a permanent thing like a tattoo, but that’s what makes it more natural looking. Sarah also recommends tinting your brows and getting them shaped every so often to keep them looking good and lasting longer. Keep in mind – your hairs are still growing despite the semi-permanent ink in your brows.

finished brows


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  • Great brows and lashes, two things I would love!! I really want to try Neulash! I have sparse, short, straight eyelashes. I don’t expect miracles where I wouldn’t have to wear mascara but I could use a boost for sure! A friend uses Rodan and Fields lash boost but that’s even more expensive. Your eyebrows look amazing. I would love not having to fill mine in every day!!

    • Thanks so much for reading Sarah Beth! I swear Neulash will help you – it’s awesome and the microblading could be a xmas present from lots of people going in together!!