
It’s been a while since I have posted about the babe on the blog, besides day-to-day things, so I thought a #momlife check-in was appropriate!

smith and mommy

smith jolly jumper

I get asked a lot about how I juggle being a new mom and running my own blog/business + doing TV – it’s not easy, but I do feel lucky everyday.  When I worked at my corporate job, I felt like I would never be able to have kids.  I worked crazy hours and was pretty much always on call.  Even getting completely off work for my wedding was a struggle because there was no one else to do my job.  And while yes, I am still the only one who can do my job, and no, I don’t have a team that can step in, it’s a much different pace.  Now I get to decide when and where I work, how much I take on, and who I work with.  And with all of that flexibility, comes time to spend with my baby.  I do have a nanny three days a week so I can get work done on the blog, but other than that, I spend as much time with Smith as I can.  I pulled back on all of the things that I don’t want to do, or that were not serving me and instead, I focus on what I need to do and really want to do.  That’s what a baby does – makes you priortize!

On to Smith!  He is 8 and a half months old if you can believe it!  It has flown by and makes me scared I am going to blink and he’ll be grown and not letting me hold and kiss him anymore (I do a lot of that!)!  He is just starting to crawl and babbles all day long.  He can pretty much say mama or “maaaa” and he definitely says dada and babadada lol.  We go to music class every week and he loves it and loves other babies.  He is fascinated by them.  Since the day Smith was born he has been so observant and curious and still is.  He also loves water – tubby time, the pool and ocean – he is a water baby for sure!  I love watching him discover and learn new things.  Having a baby is a lot of work, but it’s the best thing that ever happened to me and I am so grateful I was chosen to be his mama.  I can’t wait to see what the next few months brings.  I can’t really think beyond that though because I want him to be a baby forever!

Thank you so much for stopping by and supporting my blog, aka my passion and creative outlet, and for following along my journey as a new mom and working mom!  I’ll be back with a new post tomorrow and finally a NEW House Tour video on Thursday!

P.S. this is a Jolly Jumper that Smith is bouncing in and he loves it!


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